Friday, March 17, 2017

Poetry Boutique is an upscale women's clothing boutique & showroom that carry unique Vendors from USA, Europe and Brazil. Business owned currently organized as a Sole Proprietorship. Clothing for stylish women De Kliek will carry Ready-to-Wear (RTW) designer and casual/contemporary apparel & accessories for women, and is be the exclusive U.S. home. In addition to the Desigual, Lejaby Lingerie, 1969 Heel, feature other choice selections by American, European and Brazilian designers such as YMI Jeans, Paolo Tonali,Shutz. The Poetry Boutique` customer is a busy professional woman who lives in Los Angeles with a household income over $100K. She enjoys the boutique fashions and wants a place where she can go to get services that meet her busy lifestyle. Unique & innovative Poetry Boutique provide services such as Style Assessments, alterations, personal shopping, and special ordering to customers during store hours and by personal appointments. Style Concierges who are trained within the image industry will be available to customers on a daily basis. Poetry Boutique's innovative Style Assessments and educational emphasis in helping women develop their personal styles will enhance our reputation as a truly unique boutique. Getting the word out Poetry will generate awareness and sales by utilizing PR tactics and the referral networks of personal stylists. Additionally, meeting our customers where they are, focusing on how women approach shopping by obtaining mentions and reviews in the top fashion publications, travel guides and local papers. Management With over 16 years experience in marketing and retail, owner Anton D´Mandarino has gathered the expertise to complement and grow the business. Our advisory team holds expertise in retail accounting, retail merchandising, legal contracts, fashion and design. A detailed project plan has been created and all tasks are on schedule. Buying for the Fall/Winter season was completed in April, and store design and marketing elements are currently being finalized. Poetry Boutique (213) 377-3484 (949) 229-0595

Saturday, March 11, 2017

PoetryBoutique supporting RunningForCure


Saturday, April 5, 2014

WARNING! ATENÇÃO! ATENCION! ATTENCIONE! Why do they hate the women from the Western World? It could be because our women are beautiful, intelligent, hard workers, sensitives & climbing fast "the lather of success"? They invade our countries with false promises and try to buy our women with material things. And then they slave them, beat them up, rape them & sell them in a meat market for the highest bidder. Money or material things should Not buy love. And if you believe in God...True Love will find U :) BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING & WE WILL STOP YOU!!! Sex slavery is present in every country of Middle East, Africa & Asia. In some cases, categorised as 'domestic', women are sold into brothels within their own country. But international sex trafficking of Western Women & Children is on the rise. Investigates the enslavement and trafficking of women from Western Civilization from poorest country in Europe & Latin America, even in the USA & Canada to wealthier Middle East countries, Africa & Asia and most profitable sex markets. They are in Airports, Train Stations, Ports, beach sites & even in gyms looking for beautiful women from the Western World... They prey on them with material gifts. WATCH OUT for these snakes and report any wrong doing to Stop Western Women & Children trafficking.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What a woman wants!

Okay: I Read in some place that most of women like an intellectual type of man, and financial independence as well. That looks is not a must or they even don't care for guys with muscle or gym vagabonds.  If this statement I read is true, so how come we see less and less guys in school and the gyms full of guys working out longer hours because 2/3 of their workout they are looking at themselves on mirrors and/or talk garbage about the ladies in the gym. I even read that some of them take pictures of themselves and the ladies and post online....Pathetic!!! Oh yeah one last thing: Guys wash you freaky hands when you use the restrooms!!! Jesussss have some common sense!

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Okay.   I started running from scratch in March 2008, about 8 month after I was diagnostic with Head & Neck cancerT-4  disease.  Since that time, I have run given and taken  20 marathons and, with much help from friends, raised something like $18,000.00 for Cancer Organizations and Hospitals. My next Marathon on July 2013 and it will be in Canada. Runningforcure  always try to participate in  these Marathons because I am cancer survivor back2back and because it became part of me to do something about and help the best way I know  how to help.. Over the 3+ years I've been running, I've often been asked whether I would ever participate in a Triathlon,  I've never really felt the urge before. I think would be AWESOME even if I wouldn't finished would create awareness.  Running has become such an important tool to help me cope with life's challenges and the up & downs!  Even with a broken heart, I feel very alive doing it. I guess I always figured that someday the urge would probably strike, even before I was diagnostic with cancer for the first time and told by 2 doctors from 2 hospitals that if they wouldn't operate and remove it from me ASAP, I would die in less the 2 month  ( I guess is 222 and not 666.... Ok bad analogy). Anyway, when you believe in God and in his precious gifts to us, good things really happen and with your courage and strength... the mountain comes to you! So.  Long story short, I'm going for it and sign up for a Triathlon.  And while is challenge for me at 50 years old.  I feel good and I am not  afraid as I was when I first run my first  Marathon.  I don't want a perfect person, I just want someone to act silly with me, someone who treats me well and loves being with me more than anything, despite my imperfections or my mistakes or for being an ordinarily guy.  If you truly love someone it gives you courage, and if she/he truly loves you it gives you strength.   I ask for nothing, just to support your runner or donate to a cancer organization  or hospitals of your choice and/or the best support is prayers from the heart! SEE YOU IN THE FINISH LINE!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Running Forcure

Laguna Beach, California

I fought cancer and now I run for the beautiful faces of cancer! For those who are fighting cancer!!! I C U in the finish line :) i2 Fought Cancer "Be a Part of Our Vision" A former U.S.Army Green Beret, an Educator man with a PhD in Computer Science. Able to speak, write and read in 5 different language. And "YES" I enter the greatest war of our time! I, like others, fought Cancer back2back and today I have dedicated my time no for myself to Run Marathons for the beautiful faces of those fighting this dreadful diseases or those that have los a loved1 for it! With help of Cancer Society, Patient Care, Kaiser Permanente, we have step up to help win the fight. Diseases and conditions are essentially abnormal conditions of some kind of organism that is impairing the functions of the body. Diseases and medical conditions are normally associated with the appearance of certain symptoms and signs. Diseases and conditions can be caused by a number of external factors, including invading organisms for example.... WE ALL CAN HELP!!!

Friday, May 31, 2013